Bootstrap Three JS
-Pro Component
JavaScript 3D library - The aim of the project is to create an easy to use, lightweight, cross-browser, general purpose 3D library
Globe example
<div id="globe" class="position-absolute end-0 top-10 mt-sm-3 mt-7 me-lg-7">
<canvas width="500px" height="350px" class="w-lg-100 h-lg-100 w-75 h-75 me-lg-0 me-n10 mt-lg-5"></canvas>
In order to use this plugin on your page you will need to include the following script in the “Optional JS” area from the page’s footer:
<script src="../../assets/js/plugins/threejs.js"></script>
<script src="../../assets/js/plugins/orbit-controls.js"></script>